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I am Robert Schumann.

Well, I am aware of the fact that it has been about 170 years since the death of the composer.

And I didn't rise from the dead for sure!  


Obviously I am referring to the similarity between the artist and me.

Not that I happen to possess ingenious artistic sense, rather, the composer's shortcomings.


Anyone who knows the life of this man would say he was imperfect in many things.

His life was different from the lives of Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and the like.


His art received proper appreciation after his death.

Death, which the composer had feared most of his life, accompanied him at the age of 46.


At the point of his demise, sanity was not part of him.

After having thrown himself into the cold Rhine River and been rescued, he had to be locked in a mental institution.

This happened three years prior to his end.


So, am I claiming that I am crazy?

Well, yes and no.


No, because I think my brain still functions.

Yes, because of what I am trying to achieve.


Robert Schumann was not a professional artist from his youth.

He had to wait for his law school classes to burn him up.


I am not a professional pianist.

Much closer to a novice, I would say.


My point is that I want to be a professional concert pianist.

Is it possible?

'Never', that is what the world would say.


But the thing is that I just don't care.


This website will be my journal that I will write daily.

It would be an honor to hear some words of encouragement or critical opinions.


Finally, for those who have a goal that is similar to mine,

please join me in this journey!


Good Luck!

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